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About Midad

You Can Learn Anytime From Anywhere

Midad Online Institute offers a pioneering online education in Quran recitation, Arabic language, and other Islamic disciplines with well-structured programs. Founded by Ustadh Ahmed, we aim to provide a nurturing environment for students to learn, grow, and develop their knowledge.
  • All Classes Video Provided

    All classes are recorded and provided for review to ensure thorough understanding.
  • Online Classes From Expert Teachers

    Learn from experienced instructors with expertise in Quran recitation and Arabic language.
Founder Image
Message From The Founder

The Message From The Founder & CEO

As we take lessons from the prophetic hadith, we came to realize that amongst the best people are those who learn the Quran and transfer the knowledge to others. Midad Online Institute was founded to serve the very prophetic mission of providing beneficial knowledge to all seekers of Islamic knowledge. This includes not only the recitation of the Quran but also helping students develop an understanding of the Quran by teaching them the Arabic language, basic hadith, and Tarbiyah courses. Our online institute does not ask for charity; the courses have a limited fee for all students. These payments are used to support the cost of running the institute and to support the scholars who give their precious time to transfer knowledge.
Ustadh Ahmed Adisie Founder & CEO
As we take lessons from the prophetic hadith, we came to realize that amongst the best people are those who learn the Quran and transfer the knowledge to others. Midad Online Institute was founded to serve the very prophetic mission of providing beneficial knowledge to all seekers of Islamic knowledge. This includes not only the recitation of the Quran but also helping students develop an understanding of the Quran by teaching them the Arabic language, basic hadith, and Tarbiyah courses.

Our online institute does not ask for charity; the courses have a limited fee for all students. These payments are used to support the cost of running the institute and to support the scholars who give their precious time to transfer knowledge.
Ustadh Ahmed Adisie Founder & CEO
Team Member
Our Expert Instructors

Ustaz Abdurehman Mahamadnur

Tarbiya Department Head

Ustaz Ismael

Quran and Tajweed Education Department Head
Our Pricing Chart
Qaidatu Nooraniya
  • 4 minimum days in a week
  • Minimum 30min class
$40/month (VIP) $15/month (Group)
Quran Nazar
  • 4 minimum days in a week
  • Minimum 30min class
$50/month (VIP) $15/month (Group)
Arabic Language
  • 3 minimum days in a week
  • Minimum 60min class
$50/month (VIP) $15/month (Group)
Islamic Books
  • 3 minimum days in a week
  • Minimum 60min class
$50/month (VIP) $15/month (Group)
Frequently Asked Question
General Questions
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